Sunday, January 23, 2011

weekly Bulletin 22nd & 23rd January 2011

Our current Child Protection Officer’s term of office is coming to an end and the Parish wants to record its appreciation for her commitment to this role over the last four years.

We are currently addressing the appointment of a new Child Protection Officer. To ensure a smooth transition both the outgoing and incoming Child protection Officer will work together for a number of months.
The Parish values and encourages the participation of children and young people in all parish activities that enhance their spiritual, physical, emotional and social development. We are committed to ensuring their protection.
The role of the Child Protection officer is an integral part of this commitment. The responsibilities of the person appointed to this position are:
• To implement the Parish’s Child Protection Policy and to promote its awareness.
• To ensure the public has contact details for the Diocesan child Protection Authorities, the local Garda station and the relevant H.S.E. officials.
• To facilitate the Parish in bringing an allegation or suspicion of child abuse to the attention of the Director of Child Protection.
The person appointed is given a specific role and will be required to undergo training. He/she will be able to draw on expert help and support from the Diocesan Director of Child Protection.

The appointment and functioning of a Child Protection Officer in the Parish is in line with the comprehensive and unified approach of Child protection in the Dublin Diocese.
The protection of children is paramount. Dublin Dioceses wants its Child Protection policy to be ‘world class” and is therefore subject to regular review and where necessary improvement. However its robustness depends on its application at parish level. The Parish of St. Columbanus & St. Gall has to date fully applied the Dioceses Child Protection guidelines and is committed to implementing any further changes the Dioceses propose.

An Ecumenical Service to celebrate the Week of Prayer for Church Unity (18th – 25th Jan.) will take place at 3pm on this Sunday January 23rd, in St. Philips Church, Temple Rd. Fr. Philip Bradley will preach at this service. All welcome.
Prayer for Christian Unity
Lord Jesus, Son of God,
Our brother and our savour,
We give you glory.
Protect your Church and make us one.
Send your spirit to guide us and
Lead us back to unity and love.

We thank you for last Sunday’s Offertory Collection of €1,457 and the Share Collection which amounted to €939.

We thank those of you who have already returned your Christmas Dues. Dues envelopes may be placed in the collection bags at Mass, given to one of the priests or handed into the Sacristy or the Parish Office.

The Parish Adult & Toddler Group meets in the Parish Pastoral centre at
10.30am on Friday mornings.

Today’s 10AM Mass is part of the ‘Do this in Memory of Me’ programme for children who will be receiving their First Holy Communion next year. We welcome the children their parents and families.

The Grouped Parishes of Sandford and St. Philips Milltown will host a Table Quiz at 8pm on Thursday January 27th in St. Philip’s hall on Temple road in Dartry. Further details of this event are on the Parish Notice Boards.

Catholic Schools Week
30th January – 5th February 2011
.The purpose of this week is to highlight and celebrate the wonderful contribution that Catholic schools make to our local communities and society in general. This year’s theme is ‘Catholic Schools – Rooted in Jesus Christ’ This theme suggests that all our school communities need to be rooted in Jesus Christ. ‘Plants, trees and flowers that lose their roots are blown hither and thither. We too can be uprooted, lacking any true guidance in our lives, drawn this way and that, unsure how to respond. During this week we are asked to renew our roots in Christ.

Feb 1st. St. Brigid, Secondary Patron of Ireland and first day of spring.

Feb. 2nd: Candlemas Day - The Presentation of the Lord and also World Day for Consecrated Life. Candles will be blessed at 10am.

Feb 3rd: St. Blaise Bishop & Martyr. Blessing of throats will take place during Mass.

Spring Gathering in Holy Cross College
This will take place on Sat. Feb. 5th . Details of the workshops available are on the Notice Boards. Ples contact the Parish Office if you would like to attend this seminar.

Scripture Weekend - January 28-30, in Orlagh Retreat Centre led by Kieran O’Mahony. Under the title Our hearts are restless, Kieran will explore the spiritual quest in John’s Gospel. The weekend runs from 5.30pm on Friday to 2.00 pm on Sunday. Cost: €160 (residential) and €110 (non-residential).To book for this event contact Orlagh Retreat Centre, Old Court Road, Dublin 16.Tel (01) 495 8190; Email:

Upcoming General Election!?
Postal Vote
Do you know that your request for a Postal Vote in any election must be received by the Registrar of Elections within 48 hours of the calling of the election? Fr. Philip

We invite parishioners to inform the priests if any members of their families or neighbours who may be housebound and would wish the Eucharist to be taken to them periodically.

The Parish Pastoral Centre is open for Tea/Coffee every weekday and Sunday morning. Do drop in to meet some of your fellow parishioners.

2012 Eucharistic Congress
I arise today
Through God’s strength to pilot me,
Christ with me, Christ before me,
Christ behind me, Christ in me,
Christ beneath me, Christ above me,
Christ on my right, Christ on my left,
Christ when I lie down,
Christ when I sit down
Christ when I arise, Christ to shied me,
Christ in the heart of everyone
who thinks of me,
Christ in the heart of everyone
who speaks of me,
I arise today!

A silver brooch has been found in the Church. Please call to the Parish Office if you have lost this piece of jewellery

Monday, January 17, 2011

Weekly Bulletin 15th & 16th January 2011

This Sunday, Jan. 16th is World Migrant and Refugee Sunday. Pope Benedict XVI has chosen the theme “one family of brothers and sisters in societies that are becoming ever more multiethnic and intercultural, where also people of various religions are urged to take part in dialogue, so that a serene and fruitful coexistence with respect for legitimate differences may be found” Addressing the situation of refugees and forced migrants Pope Benedict said that “those who are forced to leave their homes or their country” should be “helped to find a place where they may live in peace and safety, where they may work and take on the rights and duties that exist in the country that welcomes them ,contributing to the common good and without forgetting the religious dimensions of life”.
“Of the 65,300 people who emigrated in the year to April 2010, Irish nationals were the largest group accounting for 27,700 or 42%” (Irish Migration Statistics). We remember those who have emigrated in our prayers today.

We thank you for last Sunday’s Offertory Collection of €1,096 and the Share Collection which amounted to €894.

On Saturday last, the Funeral Mass for the late Patrick Roche took place in our church. We offer our condolences to his family and friends.

An Ecumenical Service to celebrate the Week of Prayer for Church Unity (18th – 25th Jan.) will take place in St. Philips Church, Temple Rd. on Sunday next January 23rd at 3pm. Fr. Philip Bradley will preach at this service. All welcome.

Prayer for Christian Unity
Lord Jesus, Son of God,
Our brother and our savour,
We give you glory.
Protect your Church and make us one.
Send your spirit to guide us and
Lead us back to unity and love.

Copies of the “Statement of Archbishop Diarmuid Martin on the Publication of Chapter 19 of the Murphy Report” are available on the bookrack.

Mass Card Availability
Mass Cards are available in the Parish Pastoral Centre. These Cards are signed by the staff on behalf of the Priests of the Parish. Your intention/name will be written in a book and it will also be written on an envelope. Should you want a particular Mass in the church on a particular day for an anniversary or intention then please call to the Sacristy before or after Mass. It is helpful to give us a contact telephone number in case a funeral happens on the same day. If the Mass is a special anniversary or occasion and other family members or friends are there, you might like to bring up the Offertory Gifts, it is always helpful to ‘pop’ into the sacristy before Mass and introduce yourself to the Priest who is celebrant that day.
Not every day is booked, so, many of the Mass intentions that are taken in at the Pastoral Centre will be offered in our Church. If the Masses build up, Fr. Alan will transfer them to other Jesuit priests (mostly on the Missions, where it is an important source of income). It is important to note that we pray for the dead at every Mass; however it is an age old tradition to ask a Priest to remember a particular intention as he celebrates Mass.

We do ask you to pay €1 for the Mass card itself and then put your offering in the envelope.
Fr. Philip Bradley Adm.

We invite parishioners to inform the priests if any members of their families or neighbours who may be housebound and would wish the Eucharist to be taken to them periodically.

The 10 am Mass on Sunday next, Jan. 23rd, is part of the ‘Do this in Memory of Me’ programme for children who will be receiving their First Holy Communion next year.

We thank those of you who have already returned your Christmas Dues. Dues envelopes may be placed in the collection bags at Mass, given to one of the priests or handed into the Sacristy or the Parish Office.

The Parish Pastoral Centre is open for Tea/Coffee every weekday and Sunday morning. Do drop in to meet some of your fellow parishioners.

Upcoming General Election!?
Postal Vote
Do you know that your request for a Postal Vote in any election must be received by the Registrar of Elections within 48 hours of the calling of the election? Fr. Philip

2012 Eucharistic Congress
I arise today
Through God’s strength to pilot me,
Christ with me, Christ before me,
Christ behind me, Christ in me,
Christ beneath me, Christ above me,
Christ on my right, Christ on my left,
Christ when I lie down,
Christ when I sit down
Christ when I arise, Christ to shied me,
Christ in the heart of everyone
who thinks of me,
Christ in the heart of everyone
who speaks of me,
I arise today!

A silver brooch has been found in the Church. Please call to the Parish Office if you have lost this piece of jewellery


Catholic Schools Week
30th January – 5th February 2011
The purpose of this week is to highlight and celebrate the wonderful contribution that Catholic schools make to our local communities and society in general. This year’s theme is ‘Catholic Schools – Rooted in Jesus Christ’ This theme suggests that all our school communities need to be rooted in Jesus Christ. ‘Plants, trees and flowers that lose their roots are blown hither and thither. We too can be uprooted, lacking any true guidance in our lives, drawn this way and that, unsure how to respond. During this week we are asked to renew our roots in Christ.

Feb 1st. St. Brigid, Secondary Patron of Ireland and first day of spring.

Feb. 2nd: Candlemas Day - The Presentation of the Lord and also World Day for Consecrated Life. Candles will be blessed at 10am.

Feb. 3rd: St. Blaise - Bishop & martyr. Blessing of throats will take place during Mass.

The Parish Adult & Toddler Group meets in the Parish Pastoral centre at 10.30am on
Friday mornings.

DUNDRUM PUBLIC LIBRARY is a free service to everyone in the community. Members can borrow books, CDs, DVDs, talking books and computer games. We also provide free Internet access and WiFi.
( 2985000)

The Knights of St. Columbaus: Please contact John O’Brien (086, 8612066) or Des O’Loughlan (086, 3066838) if you wish to join this order of Catholic laymen who carry out charitable work in the Dublin area

Monday, January 10, 2011

Weekly Bulletin 8th & 9th January 2011

Mass Card Availability

Mass Cards are available in the Parish Pastoral Centre. These Cards are signed by the staff on behalf of the Priests of the Parish. Your intention/name will be written in a book and it will also be written on an envelope. Should you want a particular Mass in the church on a particular day for an anniversary or intention then please call to the Sacristy before or after Mass. It is helpful to give us a contact telephone number in case a funeral happens on the same day. If the Mass is a special anniversary or occasion and other family members or friends are there, you might like to bring up the Offertory Gifts, it is always helpful to ‘pop’ into the sacristy before Mass and introduce yourself to the Priest who is celebrant that day.

Not every day is booked, so, many of the Mass intentions that are taken in at the Pastoral Centre will be offered in our Church. If the Masses build up, Fr. Alan will transfer them to other Jesuit priests (mostly on the Missions, where it is an important source of income). It is important to note that we pray for the dead at every Mass; however it is an age old tradition to ask a Priest to remember a particular intention as he celebrates Mass.

We do ask you to pay €1 for the Mass card itself and then put your offering in the envelope.

Fr. Philip Bradley Adm.

On Wednesday last, the funeral Mass for the late Fr. Raymond Murray S.M. took place in our church. We offer our condolences to the Fr. Murray’s family, friends and members of the Marist Community.

We thank you for last Sunday’s Offertory Collection of €1,228 and the Share Collection which amounted to €865.

Sacred gifts of mystic meaning:
Incense doth the God disclose,
Gold the King of Kings proclaimeth,
Myrrh a future tomb foreshows.

Welcome to the parents and families of children who were baptised into our Christian Community during the last year. As we celebrate the Feast of the Baptism of the Lord we also celebrate in remembrance those who were baptised in our church over the last year. Please remember them in your prayers.

The Milltown Parish Pastoral Council will meet in the parish Pastoral Centre at 8pm on this Tuesday evening, Jan. 11th

Copies of the “Statement of Archbishop Diarmuid martin on the Publication of Chapter 19 of the Murphy Report” are available on the bookrack.

An Ecumenical Service to celebrate the Week of Prayer for Church Unity (18th – 25th Jan.) will take place in St. Philips Church, Temple Rd. on Sunday January 23rd at 3pm. Fr. Philip Bradley will preach at this service. All welcome.

A silver brooch has been found in the Church. Please call to the Parish Office if you have lost this piece of jewellery.

We invite parishioners to inform the priests if any members of their families or neighbours who may be housebound and would wish the Eucharist to be taken to them periodically.

DUNDRUM PUBLIC LIBRARY has returned to normal opening times. This is a free service to everyone in the community. Members can borrow books, CDs, DVDs, talking books and computer games. We also provide free Internet access and WiFi. .For more information go to or ring us at 2985000

The A.G.M. of the Milltown Parish Active Retirement Group will take in the Parish Pastoral Centre at 2pm on Tuesday, Jan. 11th. New members are welcome to attend

We thank those of you who have already returned your Christmas Dues. Dues envelopes may be placed in the collection bags at Mass, given to one of the priests or handed into the Sacristy or the Parish Office.

The Parish Adult & Toddler Group meets in the Parish Pastoral centre at 10.30am on
Friday mornings.

Marriage and relationship Counselling
“ACCORD offers a safe, professional and confidential process facilitating couples and individuals to explore, reflect upon and resolve difficulties in their marriage & relationship. Marriage and families are today experiencing new and more complex challenges than ever before. Our service is available to all regardless of marital status.
ACCORD Counsellors are trained to the highest professional standards. Our training is accredited by the National Association of Pastoral Counsellor and Psychotherapists.
We are a non-profit organisation and, while we ask our clients to make a donation if circumstances allow them, nobody is refused counselling due to a lack of money.
If you find that you are having difficulty talking to each other then talk to ACCORD. We are there to help you. For further information or to make an appointment please phone – 4780866 / 4784400”

Upcoming General Election!
Postal Vote
Do you know that your request for a Postal Vote in any election must be received by the Registrar of Elections within 48 hours of the calling of the election?
Fr. Philip

The Parish Pastoral Centre is open for Tea/Coffee every weekday and Sunday morning. Do drop in to meet some of your fellow parishioners.

Next Sunday, Jan. 16th is World Migrant and Refugee Sunday. Pope Benedict XVI has chosen the theme “one family of brothers and sisters in societies that are becoming ever more multiethnic and intercultural, where also people of various religions are urged to take part in dialogue, so that a serene and fruitful coexistence with respect for legitimate differences may be found” Addressing the situation of refugees and forced migrants Pope benedict said that “those who are forced to leave their homes or their country” should be “helped to find a place where they may live in peace and safety, where they may work and take on the rights and duties that exist in the country that welcomes them ,contributing to the common good and without forgetting the religious dimensions of life”.

2012 Eucharistic Congress
I arise today
Through God’s strength to pilot me,
Christ with me, Christ before me,
Christ behind me, Christ in me,
Christ beneath me, Christ above me,
Christ on my right, Christ on my left,
Christ when I lie down,
Christ when I sit down
Christ when I arise, Christ to shied me,
Christ in the heart of everyone
who thinks of me,
Christ in the heart of everyone
who speaks of me,
I arise today!

Tuesday, January 4, 2011

Weekly Bulletin 1st & 2nd January 2011

Parish Christmas arrangements
Thursday 6th January: Feast of the Epiphany
Vigil Mass: Wednesday 6pm.
Morning Mass; 10am & 11.30am
Evening Mass: 5.30pm

Sunday 9th January: Feast of the Baptism of Our Lord
11.30am Mass for families of children baptised during 2010.

The Parish Pastoral Centre will reopen on Tuesday January 4th. (Tea/ coffee will be available, as usual, after morning Masses on all Sundays)

Copies of the Parish’s Christmas Schedule and 2011 Calendar are available on the tables at the back of the church.

We thank you for Christmas Day’s Offertory Collection of €3,109 and the Share Collection which amounted to €2,514.
The Society of St. Vincent De Paul received a total contribution of €20,190 from their annual collection in Milltown Parish.

We invite parishioners to inform the priests if any members of their families or neighbours who may be housebound and would wish the Eucharist to be taken to them periodically.

DUNDRUM PUBLIC LIBRARY is a free service to everyone in the community. Members can borrow books, CDs, DVDs, talking books and computer games. We also provide free Internet access and WiFi. .For more information go to or ring us at 2985000

Day of Prayer in the Irish Church
The Irish Episcopal Conference has issued a statement regarding a Day of Prayer in the Irish Church fro the needs of Ireland, North and South.

“On 2nd January 2011, the first Sunday of the New Year, the Gospel of St John will proclaim that the ‘light has come into the world, the true light that gives light to everyone’, a light which the darkness has not overcome. We ask Parishes across the country, North and South, to dedicate this first Sunday of the New Year to prayer for the needs of our whole island at this time. We ask them to pray for politicians, civil servants, economists and those who order our commercial, economic and financial life that they will receive the wisdom and courage to build our economic future on the principles of justice, solidarity and the common good with a particular concern for the vulnerable and the poor. Christian leaders will be coming together to plan additional days of prayer across the island in the months ahead. We encourage the political community itself and all Irish citizens to rally the human, social, intellectual and spiritual resources of our country in a united effort to build our financial economy and ensure it achieves its human and social ends”
+ Diarmuid Martin, Archbishop of Dublin.

JANUARY IN ORLAGH: A good way to start the new year would be to base yourself firmly in your identity as a person loved by God. This will be the topic of our opening Day for Yourself in the coming year. John Byrne and Bernadette Toal will lead the day on January 8th entitled Owning your identity and believing that God loves you. The day will run from 10.00 am to 4.30 pm with the opportunity of staying on for Mass at 4.30. Cosr €50 (including a full lunch).
To book for this event contact Orlagh Retreat Centre, Old Court Road, Dublin 16. Tel (087) 798 9273; Email:

The Pope John Paul II Awards:
Catholic Youth Care, in association with the Dublin Archdiocesan office of Evangelisation is delighted to announce a new pastoral programme for young people in the diocese as part of the Year of Evangelisation. The Pope John Paul II Awards will be run by CYC in Dublin. CYC will be supporting parishes, schools and young people in this new Award. This is an exciting new project that has the ability to show young people how to actively live out their faith. We warmly welcome young people between the ages of 16 and 18 years in schools and parishes throughout the Diocese.
For more information visit

Marriage and relationship Counselling
“ACCORD offers a safe, professional and confidential process facilitating couples and individuals to explore, reflect upon and resolve difficulties in their marriage & relationship. Marriage and families are today experiencing new and more complex challenges than ever before. Our service is available to all regardless of marital status.
ACCORD Counsellors are trained to the highest professional standards. Our training is accredited by the National Association of Pastoral Counsellor and Psychotherapists.
We are a non-profit organisation and, while we ask our clients to make a donation if circumstances allow them, nobody is refused counselling due to a lack of money.
If you find that you are having difficulty talking to each other then talk to ACCORD. We are there to help you. For further information or to make an appointment please phone – 4780866 / 4784400”

We thank those of you who have already returned your Christmas Dues. Dues envelopes may be placed in the collection bags at Mass, given to one of the priests or handed into the Sacristy or the Parish Office.

A Selected Modules Open Evening will take place in Milltown Institute on Wed. 5th January at 5pm -8pm. Choose from a wonderful selection of modules in the areas of Theology, Spirituality, Philosophy and Ministry. Take a module for personal interest or for academic credits. Further details are on the institute’s website:

If you would like to consider becoming a blood donor contact the Irish Blood Transfusion Service which is located at the National Blood Centre in James St. The telephone number is 4322800 and the web site address is

Unwanted Gifts Appeal:
Staff in St. Mary’s Pro- Cathedral are again appealing to people to donate unwanted Christmas gifts for distribution to the homeless. The gifts will be given to Crosscare who will distribute them to people most in need throughout 2011 and use them as Christmas gifts for people who may never receive one, this time next year. If the appeal is as successful as it has been in previous years, Crosscare will sell the surplus gifts in their “Gifts for Good” shop in Cathedral Street and use the monies raised in their homeless services around Dublin. Unwanted gifts can be left at the crib in the Pro Cathedral up until Jan. 6th.

Please leave details of any item you wish to have included in this Weekly Bulletin in the Parish office before lunch hour on Wednesday.