Sunday, July 21, 2013

Weekly Bulletin 20th & 21st July

The Word is Good!
The feedback from the families involved in the recent Baptism Pilot programme is very good. They report that the whole process made them feel very welcome, and helped them to understand the importance of Baptism and the connection with the Parish (Community of Faith).
Our findings now goes back to the Diocese and joins the feedback from the 9 other parishes, I expect a draft Diocesan Policy & Guidelines’ on Baptism will be forthcoming from Archbishop’s House in the autumn. In the meantime it’s worth looking at our current policy.
All Sacraments should happen with the Community of Faith present.
Our Baptisms usually take place once a month, on the first Saturday at 12.30. Occasionally we offer families a Sunday morning during Mass.
If a Milltown parishioner wants to have their child baptized in another parish then, we look at which parish will undertake the preparation and we give a letter of referral to the other parish.
If someone from another parish wants to have their child baptized in Milltown then we seek a letter from the local parish and check re preparation.
If a family has a relative or a friend who is a priest and they want him to do the Baptism, then they are welcome to join in our usual baptism ceremony (with the said priest). If this can’t be done or another date is the only one that suits, then the new date for their baptism becomes another date for Milltown parishioners, and the visiting priest includes the Milltown children in the Ceremony.
Occasionally, people from other parishes ask to use the Church for their own Baptism, and they want to bring ‘their own priest’. As they have no direct link/connection with the Community of faith in Milltown, The request is denied..
In the not so distant past, the National Culture did most of the handing on of the faith. This is no longer the case and there is a greater emphasis on the Parents and Parish Community handing on a living faith.
Fr. Philip
(It’s probably good for our own faith too!)

Thank you for the €1113 which you donated to last Sunday’s collection for the Support of Priests of the Parish (& Dioceses) and for the Share Collection which amounted to €758.

We offer our Condolences to the family and friends of the late Violet Phillips whose funeral Mass took place in our church last week.

Communion arrangements for coeliac sufferers:
If you would like to receive from the chalice you should call into the sacristy before Mass. The chalice will be placed at the side of the altar. You may process to the altar with the congregation to receive Holy Communion. You may also bring a low gluten host into the sacristy before Mass.

The Parish Census Group will meet at 7pm on Monday next, July 22nd.

Parishioners are requested to return their completed Census Form. Returning a completed form will mean that a parish representative will not have to call to your home in the autumn.

Have you ever attended Mass on holidays abroad and not know what the readings of the day are? With this situation in mind we invite parishioners to collect a copy of the weekly Mass sheet/s from the Sacristy to bring with them when they are travelling abroad to a non-English speaking country.

Registration for Rio in Dublin is still open. We encourage young people to book as soon as possible as places are limited. Registration Forms and details of what is happening at Rio in Dublin can be found at or by calling 01-8373732.

Youth 2000 Summer Festival takes place from the 15th-18th August
This exciting four day event offers workshops, concerts and inspiring talks from the Cistercian College, Mount St Joseph Abbey, Roscrea, Co Tipperary. You can book on line at for further information contact 01-6753690.

Dublin Diocesan Pilgrimage to Lourdes - takes place from 7th -12th September next. If there are any sick people in our parish who wish to travel on the Special Section for the Sick, in particular those who have never travelled to Lourdes before, then please contact the Pilgrimage Office on (01) 8376820 where application forms are available.

The Parish’s Adult and Toddler group will continue to meet in the Parish Pastoral Centre at 10am on Friday mornings until the end of July. This group returns to the Parish in September after having a break during August.

A Parish Craft Group meet in the Parish Pastoral Centre on at 10.30am. If you enjoy craft work and would like to join this group please do come along. Activities include knitting, crochet, rug making etc. the choice is yours!

Irish Guide Dogs for the Blind thank the parishioners of Milltown for the €432 which they donated to the recent church gate collection.

Parish Child Protection Policy Statement
We, the Parish of Saints Columbanus and Gall, Milltown, in the Dublin Diocese, value and encourage the participation of children and young people in all parish activities that enhance their spiritual, physical, emotional and social development. We recognise the dignity and rights of all children and are committed to ensuring their protection.
In keeping with this we will do all in our power to create a safe environment for children and young people in order to secure their protection and enable their full participation in the life of the Church.
We appreciate the generous service of the adults who facilitate such participation and respect their integrity
The Designated Person in the Dublin Archdioceses for Child Protection is Mr. Andrew Fagan, Director of the Child Safeguarding and Protection Service. The Deputy Designated person is Ms. Sinead Mc Donnell, Child Protection Officer. Both Andrew and Sinead are contactable at 01-8360314.

Church Speakers in the Parish Centre: It’s a pity to see parents with their children standing in the porch during Mass. Why not pop over to the Parish Pastoral Centre if you feel your children need a little break? With the help of our newly installed speakers you will still be able to hear what is happening in the church. Feel free to return to the church after your children have had a little break.
Fr. Philip Bradley

Friday, July 12, 2013

Weekly Bulletin 13th & 14th July

Thank you for the €1,122 which you donated to last Sunday’s collection for the Support of Priests of the Parish (& Dioceses) and for the Share Collection which amounted to €863.

We offer our Condolences to the family and friends of the late Ann Mangan whose funeral Mass took place in our church last week.

Adam Aslibekian was baptised in our church last weekend. We welcome him into our Christian community and congratulate his parents and Godparents.

The Pro Life Trust is having a church Gate collection after all Masses this weekend. This Trust provides funds for legal and educational initiatives which support the right to life of unborn children and in particular the work of the Pro Life Campaign. At the present time funds are urgently required to work for the continued protection of unborn children and their mothers in Ireland.

A Woodwork Camp for 3rd to 6th class schoolboys will be held in Nullamore on the 18th, 19th July. Participants at the workshop will make and sail a model boat and build a model biplane.
Nullamore is a youth club run by Brosna Educational Centres under the inspiration of Opus Dei, on Richmond Avenue South opposite the Milltown Luas stop, Tel 4971239

The Irish Cancer Society’s ‘Care to Drive’ Programme’. is a volunteer delivered transport service where trained & vetted volunteers drive patients to and from their chemotherapy treatments The service is free to the patient and the Irish Cancer Society pay all volunteer expenses. Patients in need of transport to and from their chemotherapy treatments, blood tests and consultant appointments can avail of the free ‘Care to Drive’ service to the following hospitals – St. Vincent’s; St. James’s; the Mater; Tallaght; Blanchardstown. Contact the Irish Cancer Society on 01 2310 566 for more details.

Dublin Diocesan Pilgrimage to Lourdes
Many of you will be aware of the recent devastating floods experienced in the southern region of France, and in particular in the Lourdes area. While the damage caused by the flood waters was indeed quite extensive in the Domain itself and in the Grotto area, work began immediately and this enormous effort resulted in only the Limerick Diocesan Pilgrimage being forced to cancel. All subsequent pilgrimages have and are travelling as normal including our own Dublin Diocesan Pilgrimage, which takes place from 7th -12th September next. If there are any sick people in our parish who wish to travel on the Special Section for the Sick, in particular those who have never travelled to Lourdes before, then please contact the Pilgrimage Office on (01) 8376820 where application forms are available.

Rio-In Dublin
Registration for Rio in Dublin is still open. We encourage young people to book as soon as possible as places are limited. Registration Forms and details of what is happening at Rio in Dublin can be found at or by calling 01-8373732.

What is Liturgy ?-
Fr. Lukasz o.d.c will be the guest speaker on this topic which will be part of a presentation in the Edith Stein Room of St Teresa's Church Clarendon St, Dublin 2 on Monday, 15th July at 7pm,. For more information check out:

An unplanned pregnancy or a crisis during a pregnancy may be a time of anxiety and stress. Taking the time you need to look at your issues and thoughts calmly can help. It can help to talk to someone who is not personally involved and who can help you find the answers to your questions. Cura counsellors will provide the opportunity for you to discuss options you wish to explore or consider in relation to your pregnancy. Counselling can support you in making decisions about your pregnancy without influence or direction.
For support and counselling in relation to an unplanned or crisis pregnancy please contact your local Cura Centre or you can talk to us on the Cura National Helpline 1850 622 626

Youth 2000 Summer Festival takes place from the 15th-18th August –This exciting four day event offers workshops, concerts and inspiring talks from the Cistercian College, Mount St Joseph Abbey, Roscrea, Co Tipperary. You can book on line@ For further information contact 01-6753690 .

POPE John Paul II and POPE John XXIII are to be declared saints.
Pope Francis has approved a second miracle attributed to Pope John Paul 11, John Paul, a Pole who was elected pope in 1978 was the first non-Italian pope in 450 years. He died in 2005 and his elevation to sainthood ranks as the fastest in modern times. He will be remembered as the "globe-trotting pope," after having made more than 100 trips outside Italy. He is also credited with being instrumental in the fall of communism in Eastern Europe in 1989 because of his defence of the Solidarity Trade Union in his native Poland.

Pope John XXIII was head of the Catholic Church from 1958 to 1963. He was known as "Good Pope John" for his kindly demeanour and simplicity, attributes which many have likened to our current Pope Francis. The Italian born Angelo Roncalli led the Catholic Church toward major reforms by opening the Second Vatican Council in 1962,

Since his election in March Pope Francis has tried to instil a spirit of simplicity and reform in the Church. Regarding the canonisation of Pope John XX111 he has waived the customary rules requiring a second miracle after beatification.

The canonisation ceremonies, which are likely to bring hundreds of thousands to Rome, are expected later this year; perhaps in November. As our parish church here in Milltown is the only church in the country to have a shrine to Blessed John XX111 perhaps some parishioners might consider attending this occasion?