Thursday, March 15, 2012

Weekly Bulletin 17th & 18th March2012

MORE on Pastoral Guidelines from the Diocese.

In a previous Newsletter (Jan 2012) I wrote about Baptism, so now we can look at other Sacraments of Initiation , including when adults want to become Catholic. These Sacraments (Baptism, Confirmation and Eucharist) for adults are never to be separated but are celebrated in one rite of initiation, preferably at the Easter Vigil.

Sometimes, there is a request for First Penance and Communion for a child whose parents aren’t Catholic. The first issue is to ascertain if this is being done under the influence of an upcoming First Communion or Confirmation and that the child is asking of its own volition. As with all Sacraments, the Faith Context in which the Sacrament is administered should be taken into account. All Sacraments are administered within the Faith Community.

Confirmation: when we celebrate Confirmation we are CONFIRMING/Strengthening Baptism. A confirmation name is not necessary but is a strong custom. It is preferable that the name chosen be that of a Saint who will become, in a way, the young person’s Patron or that of an exemplary Christian they know e.g. Godparent or Grandparent. I remember talking to Confirmation Candidates in a Primary School some years ago, saying that it should be someone who the child admires. I was immediately asked if they could choose ‘David Becham’. I had to clarify that they should admire the person for Christian virtues. I added, ‘Pop Stars’ are not that appropriate either.

The Sponsor for Confirmation: the title’ God Parent’ is actually the same as Sponsor. The Sponsor is always in addition to the Parents. Usually a Sponsor/God Parent is required to be over 16 years of age. Also, particularly for Baptism the requirement is for one Sponsor/God Parent, where there are two, they are to be male and female.

Fr. Philip Adm (more than 16 years old)

Thank you for the €1,348 which you donated to last Sunday’s collection for the Support of Priests of the Dioceses and for the Share Collection which amounted to €914.

Mass on Bank Holiday, Monday 19th March, will take place at 11am.

The Parish Liturgy Group will meet at 7pm on Tuesday, March 20th.

Milltown Parish Pastoral Council Will meet at 8pm on Tues. March 20th

The 10am Mass on Sunday next, March 25th th is part of the preparation for pupils from Alexandra College who will be Confirmed here in our parish at 11.30am on Tuesday, April 24th.

You’re on Candid Camera!
For security reasons cameras will soon be installed in our Parish Church. Prevention is better than cure!
Fr. Philip

During the last week a number of parishioners who parked their car on the road outside of the church have had their cars clamped at 11.05am – 5minutes after the free parking time!

The Milltown Parish Adult & Toddler Group meets in the Parish Pastoral Centre at 10.30am on Friday morning. All welcome.

Please leave your name and contact details in the Sacristy or the Parish Office if you wish to be included in a draw for tickets for the closing Mass of the I.E.C. This Mass will take place in Croke Park on Sunday 17th June. Each parish will be allocated 6 tickets per thousand parishioners.

Host a Pilgrim for the Congress: Congress organizers are looking for Dublin homes to host a pilgrim between Saturday 9th June and Monday 18th June 2012. Host homes would provide pilgrims with a simple clean bedroom along with breakfast each day. All pilgrims will be over 18 years of age. The host family must not include children under 18 years or vulnerable adults. If you would be willing to offer free accommodation and if you live in an area of Dublin along the DART line or a direct bus route to the Royal Dublin Society (RDS) in Dublin 4 please contact us on 01 2349919,

A minimum of three months notice is required for all marriages in the Dublin Diocese. Pre Marriage Courses are available at Accord 4780866

Child Protection:
The Designated Person in the Dublin Archdioceses for Child Protection is Mr. Andrew Fagan, Director of the Child Safeguarding and Protection Service. The Deputy Designated person is Ms. Sinead Mc Donnell, Child Protection Officer. Both Andrew and Sinead are contactable at 01-8360314.

The Dublin Welsh Male Voice Choir will perform in the Church of the Ascension of the Lord, Balally Parish, Dublin 16, in a fundraising Concert for the New Pastoral Centre. The event takes place on the 23rd March 2012, at 8.00pm. Tickets €10 on sale after all weekend Masses and from the Parish office: contact 2954296 or

Viatores Christi, a Catholic association, founded in 1960, recruits, trains and places people with skills and life experience in roles with our mission partners in areas of need overseas. We are currently seeking people over the age of 21 (retired people especially welcome) who are interested in overseas volunteering. We offer a comprehensive training programme to help you discern whether overseas volunteering is for you and full support before, during and after your placement if you do decide to go overseas. For further information, please visit our website or email Colette at
Tel. 01-868 9986

Date for your Diary:
Pieta House DARKNESS INTO LIGHT 5K EVENT is on Saturday 12th May, 2012.On line and postal registration for this event will be from Monday 5th March, 2012.

Fr Dermot Lane will speak on his new book, Stepping Stones to Other Faiths on Tuesday March 20th at 7.30 p.m. Fr Lane, well-known theologian and author, is PP at Balally, Dublin and President of Mater Dei Institute of Education. Admission is free, donations are welcome.