Friday, December 14, 2012

Weekly Bulletin 15th & 16 December

Eating Fish on Fridays
The media coverage of the Sevita Halapanavar case and the ‘expert group’ on abortion has calmed down recently. I have noticed in myself a reticence to say much/anything about the issue. Thinking about it I discover that I imagine someone will say “you’re a man”, or “sure you’re a priest, what would you know?!” The subtext here is that only those who have direct experience about an issue should have a say/opinion.

Now, on the ‘Abortion’ issue, if you take the above to an extreme then only a woman of child bearing age has any authority to express an opinion. Men might only have an opinion vicariously. And that would be nonsense.

The ‘Abortion issue’ is primarily a justice issue, Justice for the pregnant woman and justice for the child in the womb! To me the key issue is when does a human life start, is the foetus a human-being? If not, when does it gain this human being status?

Somewhat simplistically: If it’s a woman’s right to choose, then if the foetus is female then what choice does the ‘woman in the womb’ gets?! Once we accept that the child in the womb is a human being then we must give equal right to mother and foetus.

The Catholic Church has never asked us to eat fish on Fridays, she did ask us not to eat meat. The Catholic Church has never said that the life of the foetus is more important than the mother. The two lives are equal.
Fr. Philip Adm (Justice for all)

Thank you for the €1,564 which you donated to last Sunday’s collection for the Support of Priests of the Parish (& Dioceses) and for the St. Vincent de Paul Collection which amounted to €18,192.

Also, thank you for the €342 which you donated to the collection for the Support of Priests of the Parish (& Dioceses) and for the Share Collection which amounted to €225 on Dec. 8th.

Our condolences to the family and friends of the late Noel Dowling whose funeral Mass took place here during the last week.

Today’s Sunday 10am Mass is part of the ‘Do this in Memory of Me’ programme for children who will be receiving their First Holy Communion in May.
We welcome the children their parents and families.

need to be distributed to all homes in the next number of days. We ask parishioners to call into the sacristy after Mass and collect a bundle of these items to distribute on their own roads. Your help in this matter is very much appreciated.

The following items were discussed at the December meeting of the Parish Pastoral Council: Child Protection, World Youth Day, Children’s Liturgy, Volunteers to help with data input in Parish, commissioning of new Eucharistic Ministers, cleaning of the interior paintwork in our church building and the Diocesan Liturgy Seminar which will take place in Jan.

are available for sale in the Parish Pastoral Centre. A pack of 10 cards cost €7.

The Parish Liturgy Group will meet at 8pm on this Tuesday, December 18th.

Become a C.C!
Some additional volunteers are required to help with the weekly cleaning of our church. Please contact me if you have an hour to give to this voluntary work which takes place on Thursday morning. This ministry is open to both men and women.
Fr. Philip

The Church of the Good Shepherd, Churchtown: presents Capella Choir in a concert of Choral Music to suit all tastes.
This concert, which takes place at 8pm on Tuesday 18th December, will feature Martina O'Connell (Flautist). Adm. €15

is an independent charity that works with older people who are in crisis, at risk of homelessness or socially isolated. With over 120,000 older people in Ireland living on their own, we are asking people to spend some time this Christmas supporting older people in their community. You can make a huge difference by simply visiting older people living alone. For more information, to volunteer or to make a donation please contact ALONE on 01 679 1032 or email’

Haddington Road Christmas Concert:
The Three tenors – David Martin, Declan Kelly and Ray O’Hare – together with star violinist and very special local guests Classicus Youth Chamber Choir will be in concert in St. Mary’s Church, Haddington Road, Dublin 4 on Friday 21st December 2012 at 8.00 pm. Tickets €25 are available in the Parish Shop – Monday to Friday, 10 am to 2 pm and also in Meagher’s Pharmacy, Baggot Street Upper.

Milltown Parish’s Christmas Arrangements

Wednesday 19th December
Penitential Service
Clonskeagh Church 8pm

Thursday 20th December
Penitential Service,
Milltown Church 8pm

Sunday 23rd December
Advent Carol Service 3.30pm
Monday 24th December
Morning Mass: 10am
Confessions 10.30 – 11.30am
Children’s Mass / Vigil Mass: 6pm
Confessions following Children’s Mass until 7.30pm
Night Mass: 9pm

Christmas Day Tuesday 25th December
Morning Mass: 10am & 11.30am
No evening Mass on Christmas Day

St. Stephen’s Day
Wednesday 26th December
Morning Mass: 11am

Feast of the Epiphany
Sunday 6th January
Usual Sunday Mass times

The Parish Pastoral Centre will be open for Tea and Coffee on Sunday December 23rd and will be closed on December 24th.
Tea & Coffee will be available between 10.30 – 11.30 am on Thurs. 27th and Fri. 28th.
The Centre will be open after morning Masses on Sunday, December 30th and the Parish Pastoral Centre will reopen on Wednesday, January 3rd