Wednesday, August 14, 2013

Weekly Bulletin 27th & 28th July

Fr.Philip says!

Parishioners are requested to return their completed Census Forms to the parish as soon as possible.

Additional Forms are available for collection at the church doors.

Returning a completed form will mean that a parish representative will not have to call to your home in the autumn.

Thank you for the €1245 which you donated to last Sunday’s collection for the Support of Priests of the Parish (& Dioceses) and for the Share Collection which amounted to €869.

There will be an outdoor collection for Gorta after all our Masses this week end. Gorta's mission is to work for a world free from the injustices of chronic hunger, poverty and disease, having special regard for the plight of children and the empowerment of women. Programmes and projects supported by Gorta are located predominantly in Sub-Saharan Africa, mainly in Kenya, Tanzania, Uganda and Zambia.

PARISH BAPTISM PREPARATION A meeting for the parents and Godparents of children who are to be baptised here next weekend, will take place in the Parish Pastoral Centre at 8pm on Monday, July 29th.

Communion arrangements for coeliac sufferers: If you would like to receive from the chalice you should call into the sacristy before Mass. The chalice will be placed at the side of the altar. You may process to the altar with the congregation to receive Holy Communion. You may also bring a low gluten host into the sacristy before Mass.
The Priory Institute is an accredited centre or theological, biblical and philosophical studies, operated by the Irish Province of the Dominican Order. It offers academic programmes by distance learning. This approach is particularly suitable for those who can’t attend classes regularly. The Priory Institute is part of the Dominican tradition, with nearly a thousand years of theology behind it. It is Catholic and ecumenical in its approach. It seeks to engage the best rational thinking of our times and brings the insight of different philosophical and religious thinkers to bear on the study of theology. Details of their programmes are available on line at, by telephoning 01 4048124 or by emailing

Dublin Diocesan Pilgrimage to Lourdes - takes place from 7th -12th September next. If there are any sick people in our parish who wish to travel on the Special Section for the Sick, in particular those who have never travelled to Lourdes before, then please contact the Pilgrimage Office on (01) 8376820 where application forms are available.

Next Friday, August 2nd is the First Friday of the month. The 10am Mass on the day will be offered for all who are recently deceased and those whose names are on the Altar List of the Dead

A parish Craft Group meet in the Parish Pastoral Centre on at 10.30am. If you enjoy craft work and would like to join this group please do come along. Activities include knitting, crochet, rug making etc. the choice is yours!

Age Action is a charity which promotes positive ageing and better policies and services for older people. Working with, and on behalf of, older people they aim to make Ireland the best place in the world in which to grow older. Printed below are details of one of the services that Age Action provides.
As we grow older basic household tasks can become very difficult to manage. People who have been house-proud all of their lives find themselves unable to maintain their homes. Even something as simple as changing a light bulb can become a major problem for an older person who is not in a position to climb on a chair to change the bulb. Other household tasks and moving furniture cause similar difficulties.
For those older people who are in the unfortunate position of not having family members calling, these tasks can become a source of great frustration. Isolation and loneliness are also major problems for older people. Ultimately these problems can make the difference between staying at home and moving to residential care.
The Care & Repair Programme was established by Age Action to carry out minor repairs for older and vulnerable people free of charge, to give them access to reliable tradesmen for larger jobs and to provide a befriending service. The vision of the programme is to enable older and vulnerable people to remain in their own homes, in their own communities, living as independently as possible, through the improvement of their housing conditions and their level of comfort, security and well-being.

A minimum of three months’ notice is required for all marriages in the Dublin Diocese. Pre Marriage Courses are available at Accord 4780866