Wednesday, March 5, 2008

Copy of leaflet handed out at all Masses on Weekend of 16/17th Feb 2008

Weekend of 16/17th Feb 2008
Copy of leaflet handed out at all Masses



The Parish Pastoral Council has lately established a social justice group in the parish. This initiative is the natural reflection of a community which acknowledges its Christian responsibility towards others; particularly those who are deprived and/or oppressed as a result of injustice. For this reason we feel it appropriate that we as a parish should provide support for a chosen community project, in a particular location, which would benefit from the sharing of resources by us with the proposed beneficiaries. This outreach would be an appropriate symbol of our concern for the material, social and spiritual wellbeing of those of our ‘neighbours’ whether far or near, who struggle to realise their full human dignity; in terms of decent living standards, normal social amenities, and incentives which promote human development in all its various forms. Moreover, such a project, driven by an urge to serve the demands of social justice would enliven our awareness of inequality and misfortune in our world, challenge the quality of our Christianity and help us to put into practice the teaching of Jesus in the Sermon on the Mount.

To this end, we would welcome your specific proposals for such a project.

Outline proposals can be handed in or posted to the parish office or sent by email to for the attention of the Social Justice Group.
See also: