Friday, March 21, 2008

Parish Pastoral Council Report

The Parish Pastoral Council is the body which represents the members of this parish of Milltown.
It is responsible for the running and development of our Christian community in co-operation with
our priests.
Due to the decrease in the number of priests, the work of the Parish Pastoral Council becomes ever more
important, especially as we sustain the vitality of our local Christian community and pass our faith on to
our children.
Members of the Council give their time for a period of some three years for bi-monthly meetings when
affairs of the parish are considered and decided upon. They also actively promote important parish
initiatives. There are currently fifteen members on the council. As current chairman, I would like to
express my thanks to the Council members for their valuable contributions to our deliberations and our work.
The PPC was established in the autumn of 2005. Since that time it been active in caring for the work of the parish, and in bringing
about many important changes in the way it functions. The Council has sought to be proactive in all its activities as it manages the
ongoing affairs of the parish. We have also undertaken the following new projects: setting up a parish baptism preparation group
who work with families presenting members for christening, establishing a parish bereavement support group to offer support to
those who have suffered loss through bereavement, inaugurating a parish prayer group, putting in place the office of Child Protection
Officer and formalising a child protection structure in the parish. In addition, we have established a special children’s choir, installed
a Loop electronic hearing aid system in the Church to assist those with impaired hearing; thus enabling them to participate more
fully in the parish liturgies. Most recently a new parish social justice group has also been formed. An official Parish Register of all
groups and committees (21 in total), who are active in the parish, has been compiled. Further information can be obtained on these
and other parish activities on the parish web site
In view of the many and varied activities now underway in the parish, we find that there is an ever growing need for more helpers
who are willing to actively participate in the life of our parish. Therefore we ask that you would offer yourself to help in one or other
of these communal tasks... Volunteerism brings its own unique rewards!

Colman Scott, Chairman Pastoral Council