Sunday, February 26, 2012

Weekly Bulletin 25th & 26th February 2012

The World, the Flesh and Satan!!!

Traditionally these are the three sources of Sin. We are tempted to become so involved with the World (and our reputation in it) that we forget that the World is a gift from God. We are tempted to indulge the Flesh; our own physical comfort becomes overly important for us. Satan is not happy to have us get closer to God and live by Christian virtues.

The remedy for this three-fold temptation is the three-fold practice (especially at Lent), Prayer, Fasting and Almsgiving. We try to get to know Christ better as we pray, we Fast to show our bodies that we are in charge and that while we must take care of our bodies (the flesh) we also believe that we are more than our bodies (that is why we put ash on our foreheads on Ash Wednesday). We give alms (gifts to the poor) because we remember that others may not be as ‘comfortable’ as we are (Trocaire Boxes are available in the Church). We therefore relate to the World in a different way.

It’s a lifetime’s work to grow closer to Christ. Each Lent we take stock of our relationship with God and try to do better. Our Lenten programme this year is the Enneagram which we hope will enable us to get on better with each other. Monday Feb 27, March 5, 12 (skip Bank Holiday 19th) and conclude on Mon 26th, 8-10 pm All welcome!

Volunteering/participating in our community enables us to focus our lives on others, on the community and on God (The small ways are as important as the big). We are still looking for parishioners feed back on what is the most convenient time for Mass on Bank Holidays, (to date it looks like moving from 10 to 11).

And we are looking for new Readers and Ministers of the Eucharist for both evening Masses. It’s not about ‘Am I worthy enough (nobody is),’ it’s about ‘am I willing to be of service to my community at Milltown Church. Please do consider it and maybe contact me.
Fr Philip Adm (I can resist anything except Temptation.)

Thank you for the €1,538 which you donated to last Sunday’s collection for the Support of Priests of the Dioceses and for the Share Collection which amounted to €1,099.

Thank you to those who have returned their Christmas Dues. There are some additional Christmas Dues envelopes available at the back of the church.

Condolences to the family and friends of the late Geraldine O’ Connor whose Funeral took place last week in Sligo.
Next Friday, March 2nd is the First Friday of the month. The 10am Mass on the day will be offered for all who are recently deceased and those whose names are on the Parish Altar list of the dead.

Mass of Enrolment: Next Sunday’s 10am Mass will include an Enrolment Ceremony for the pupils from Alexandra College who are due to be confirmed this year.

Ministers of the Word are invited to attend a meeting in the Parish Pastoral centre at 8pm on Thursday week, March 8th.

The Milltown Branch of the I.C.A. will meet in the Parish Pastoral Centre at 7.30 sharp on this Thursday 1st March . Members of the Parish’s Active Retirement Group will join the I.C.A. members at 8.15 for a talk by Tomi Reichental who is one of the last suvivors of Belson.

The time of Mass on Bank Holidays is under discussion. There are 2 clipboards at the back of the church which have possible Mass times set out on them. We ask parishioners who attend this Mass to indicate which time suits them best.

Are you between 35 and 45? Would you like to meet other Catholics of your age from parishes in the Dublin Diocese for social and spiritual events? The Fortysomethings invite you to a New Members Meeting in the Trinity Capital Hotel, Pearse Street, Dublin 2, at on Friday 2nd March and/or a Lenten retreat Mass in St. John Vianney’s, Ardlea Road, Artane, Dublin 5 at 4:30pm on Sunday 4th March. For more information or to receive our newsletter of events, email or ring Declan on 087 760 8268 or Linda on 085 754 1696."

Holy Land Pilgrimage 19 April 2012: Fr. Kieran O’ Mahony, OSA will accompany a pilgrimage to the Holy Land on the 19th of April. Fr. Kieran is a scripture scholar. He works in the Diocese, providing biblical resources for parishes and for people in ministry. The 12 day pilgrimage will take in all the major sites. In addition to guided tours each day there will be lectures and reflection on the day’s events. Full details are available from MAP Travel (01)8783111.

COMING UP IN ORLAGH: On Saturday, March 10th (10.00-4. 30, with the option of Mass at 4.30 .Our monthly DAY FOR YOURSELF will focus on an issue that is a concern for many in these times: Holding on to our ideals in difficult times. It will give participants an opportunity to identify the supports and resources available to them. The day will be led by Dr. Bernadette Toal and Fr. John Byrne OSA. €50. On Sunday, March 11th (10.00-5.00, including Mass) Sean Goan with conduct his annual Lenten SCRIPTURE DAY on the theme Eucharistic Community in John—“I am the vine, you are the branches”. The theme is a very appropriate one as we prepare for the International Eucharistic Congress later this year. €55 .To book for any of these events contact Fr. John Byrne OSA, Orlagh, Dublin 16. Tel (01) 495 8190

Date for your Diary: Pieta House DARKNESS INTO LIGHT 5K EVENT is on Saturday 12th May, 2012.On line and postal registration for this event will be from Monday 5th March, 2012.

BLACKROCK CARERS GROUP: Seamus Brennan, Manager of the Residential Rehabilitation and Housing programme with Cluain Mhuire Services will give a talk on ‘STRESS MANAGEMENT’ at the Centre for Living, top of Carysfort Avenue, Blackrock on Monday 5th March 2012 at 8pm

Avila, Carmelite Retreat Centre cordially invites you to celebrate A Retreat Day entitled: HILDEGARD OF BINGEN, SYBIL OF THE RHINE. This retreat will take place on Saturday Feb. 25th and will be given by Fr. Michael Miners OCDS. Fr. Michael has had an interest in Hildegard of Bingen for over 20 years. The day will begin with registration at 10.00 a.m. followed by the first of two talks. Mass will be celebrated. At 12 noon, the day will finish at 4.00 p.m. A suggested offering of €15.00 will include refreshments; you may bring your own lunch and avail of dining room facilities.

The Milltown parish Adult & Toddler Group meets in the Parish Pastoral Centre at 10.30am on Friday morning. All welcome.